
VetlinkPRO provides flexible and easy to use applications to meet all of your practice needs.

While this new report is useful for all types of practices, it is particularly useful for Mixed Animal practices where revenue from different areas of the business can be difficult to track and analyse...
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26 Nov, 2020 | 0 Comments |
In the Veterinary Industry, managing late payments and revenue management can be a hassle. Our split-frame "Dashboard" with smart filters simplifies the process, enhancing staff productivity. From on-time repeat customers to repeat offenders, streamline communication effortlessly. Chasing late accounts can be tedious and time consuming affecting staff productivity. The Veterinary Industry has specific needs as far as debtor management is concerned. There are usually on-time repeat cust...
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27 Oct, 2020 | Blog | 0 Comments |
While this may sound obvious, having good systems in place and implementing "best practice" protocols are vital to avoiding missed charges in a practice when it comes to laboratory tests. This is one of the most common services that often gets missed. It can be easily avoided by implementing best practice protocols, and requisition based integration between your practice management software and your external pathology provider, or in-house diagnostic equipment.
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07 Aug, 2020 | Blog | 0 Comments |
While Covid-19 has accelerated its introduction, new experiences by clients and veterinarians have been very revealing for both parties. There are many areas where it can be used very successfully while proving to be more productive than a “phone conversation”. Appointment scheduling will also assist in planning follow-ups to increase efficiency and productivity within your practice, with the added advantage of being able to do a lot off-premise.
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10 Jun, 2020 | telemedicine | Blog | 0 Comments |
While most corporate offices have visitor log books, Veterinary Practices have not really needed to have such a facility in place. Staff members and visitors such as sales reps have been able to come and go as they please. With the Covid-19 pandemic in play, it is now mandatory in most jurisdictions to have some form of “people movement” or ability to “contact trace” for everyone in and out of the building...
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16 May, 2020 | logbook, free app | Blog | 0 Comments |
For seamless integration to VetLinkSQL, the telemedicine plug-in for online booking requires two areas to be set up. One is the online booking portal and the other, the zoom meeting platform. A paid zoom subscription account is required for this integration to work seamlessly.
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Attracting new clients and retaining existing ones has as much to do with convenience for them as providing high standards of care and stealth marketing. We are now all dealing with a 24/7 generation that can buy whatever they want, whenever they want, and revere convenience above all.
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There is no doubt that stable, long term and reliable staff members are very important to a business. You may also assume that Vets loved by their customers are a great source for repeat business. But you may also be surprised to learn that it does not always equate to good financial business...
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25 Sep, 2019 | BAM, big data, gross profit, vetkpi | Blog | 0 Comments |
While VetLinkSQL, like many cloud hosted applications, can be accessed on a mobile device such as a phone, it brings a number of issues with it. To solve this problem we have developed our VetLinkSQL Mobile App which has many advantage when compared to having the entire application rendered onto a small screen. That App has the ability to work offline with only basic and essential features for field Vets. It also has numerous security options thereby mitigating breach issues for the main corpora...
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VetLinkSQL's new Online Booking system: Almost 100 Practices sign up within 5 weeks of launch! See why this was so successful. This article discusses why having an online booking system is a must for all Veterinary Practices, and what you can do to attract new clients as well attain high success rates for reminders. A case study will be published in coming months with some real data.
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