
VetlinkPRO provides flexible and easy to use applications to meet all of your practice needs.


We Heard You! Meet VetlinkPAY: Making Payments a Breeze for Your Practice

17 Oct, 2024 | VetlinkPAY, payments | Blog | 0 Comments | Return|

At VetlinkPRO, we pride ourselves on listening to our customers and continuously innovating to improve your experience. Last year, we conducted a comprehensive customer survey to better understand your payment needs, and the results were unequivocal:

  • 74% of respondents wanted the ability to take payments or deposits at the time of online bookings.
  • 82% expressed interest in allowing customers to make payments online directly from their accounts.
  • 91% preferred having a payment link included on tax invoices and statements sent to customers via email.
  • 71% of respondents were eager to become early adopters of any new payment technology.

These results made it clear that a change was necessary. We heard you, and we got to work. After months of hard work and investment, we are thrilled to introduce our latest innovation: VetlinkPAY.

Why VetlinkPAY?
VetlinkPAYwas designed with a single goal in mind: to exceed expectations and provide an exceptional payment experience for both veterinary practices and their clients. It offers seamless integration with VetlinkPRO, making payments faster, easier, and more convenient than ever before. With VetlinkPAY, you can:

  • Accept payments or deposits during online bookings, streamlining the process for your clients.
  • Offer online payment options, giving your clients the convenience of settling bills from the comfort of their homes.
  • Include payment links on invoices and statements, encouraging prompt payments and reducing administrative tasks.

A Word from Our General Manager
"Our team has worked tirelessly to deliver VetlinkPAY as the first of many industry-leading innovations we’re developing. We are committed to pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the veterinary industry. This product is just the beginning, and we can't wait to see how it transforms your payment experiences."
David Walker [General Manager]

We’d also like to express our sincere gratitude to the VostroPay Team and the VetlinkPRO Team for their dedication in bringing VetlinkPay to life.

We’d like to thank our valued customers who completed the survey and gave us the important feedback and shaped the product and approach.

More about VetlinkPAY
To learn more about VetlinkPAY, click here to visit the landing page. There, you’ll find an educational video and all the details you need to register. Make sure to watch until the end—you won’t want to miss the real star of the show!

Thank you for your support, and best wishes to you, your team, and your beloved patients.

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