Discounting Schemes Feature


While some practices never discount for their services, some have to, depending on their type of business. Many discounting structures are possible in VetlinkPRO and some of the main ones are discussed here. It is always recommended that instead of monetary discounts, one should use the Loyalty Points System built into our software.

On-The-Fly Discounting

Line items and entire procedures can be discounted on bills as a percentage or a dollar amount; both are supported. Discounts are printed on invoices and receipts.

Client Based Immediate Discount

Each and every product (services, drugs, materials, fees, etc) has 9 tiers of discount levels that can be named. Then each client can point to a particular level of discount. They will receive that discount automatically.

Client Based Incentive Discount

An incentive discount is a promissory discount that is only available if accounts are paid by a certain date. Each and every product (services, drugs, materials, fees, etc) has 9 tiers of "Incentive" discount levels that can be named. Then each client can point to a particular level of "Incentive" discount. This discount is calculated and applied when end of month statements are generated, with a date that the account needs to be paid by for the discount to be available to claim. After the designated date, these discounts are not available, even though the user may override it in certain circumstances.

Quantity Break Discounts

Each and every product (services, drugs, materials, fees, etc) has 10 tiers of quantity break discounts. Discounts get applied automatically as the units exceed certain quantities.

Animal Based Discounts

Discount regimes can be set up and then applied to particular patients only. This may be used in households where certain pets may be on a plan, or in a equine environment where certain horses have discounts based on ownership history and syndication.

Negative Discounts

With a special set up option, certain clients can be set up to have a negative discount. This effectively raises the price above the standard pricing. Special functionality of this feature means that the discount column is not populated on-screen or on printed invoices. This feature tends to be used for clients who are regularly late with payments and refuse to pay late penalties and/or interest on outstanding balances.

Client Contract Pricing

Each client can have a list of products and services with a special agreed pricing discount for a selected date range. These prices will take precedent for the selected date rage (season) as items are purchased. This is used in some situations where a Client agrees to provide his/her exclusive business for a season or period in return for special pricing only applicable to them. This has been used with Farmers for example where they agree to purchase all drugs and services from that Practice for the whole season in return for special pricing. Another use is where the Practice may offer a special price for a certain service(s) for a fixed period after which it expires.
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